B.H.S-CLASSES OF 1930 to 1939


Greetings to All:

Well, here we go again - trying to Ring the Old Dinner Bell (farm folk called the Noon meal "dinner,") at least one more time. Details are as follows;

Time - Date



12 Noon to 3:00 PM - Saturday, June 16th, 2007

Historic Hilltop House, Harpers Ferry, WVA.           

$13.00 per person -- (Cash Bar)

Complete Salad Bar, Homemade Bread, Four Hot Entrees, Hot Spiced Apples, Three Hot Vegetables, Homemade Soup, Dessert Table with Fresh Cakes and Pies, Soft Ice Cream, Coffee or Tea.

(Hilltop House is Handicapped Accessible)

I would like to offer a word of explanation about the move to a new location this year. Our friends at Brunswick American Legion. engaged in an up-hill struggle against steeply increased electrical costs, were forced to seek additional charges for use of their facilities. Unfortunately, when reduced to a per-capita basis those costs were not affordable for a relatively small group such as ours, which will probably be 40 - 45 people this year, if we're lucky. The Legion has always done an excellent job for us and we wish them well.

The saddest part of writing this letter each year concerns our departed classmates. During most of the preceding year, indications were that we might fare pretty well on that score. But late Winter / early Spring hit us hard. Ina May Kline Whitley ('38) died February 3rd; Warren Frocke ('38) on March 10~ Millie Kidwell Burch ('39) on March 17th and Richard Bowers ('36) on March 23rd. As all of these people attended our reunion luncheons, their passing will severely impact our attendance. Health issues will likely add to those unable to attend.

Hopefully, one of you will volunteer to take photos of our session which Rich Bowers has done so capably in the past Let me know; I'll reimburse the expenses.

No doubt we will discuss future luncheons at this session where your thoughts and suggestions will be welcome. I think you will all agree that we bad a very good event last year. With your attendance, support, and cooperation, we can have another one in 2007. It would be great to get a positive response from everyone, but even if you can't attend, please return the slip (below) so that we will know where you are. COME ON ALONG - THE SCENERY FROM  THE HILLTOP.IS SPECTACULAR !!!

                                                                                                      Signed Richard


Please respond by June 12th, 2007:          
B. R. Harrington, 2024 Virts Ln., Jefferson, MD.21755-8801                         (Phone: 301.834.7458)


Enclosed is check for $_______________________for myself and following guests @ $13 per person.

______________________   __________________________  ________________________  _________________________

___ Sorry I can't be with you this year.

                                   Name__________________________________        Class Year _____________

counter 2   4/24/2007