Forms on BHS Alumni site
These forms are available, so you can submit pertinent information about yourself, to be shown on the website.

You must show where you live, city, state and zip. Some just show the street address or PO Box number, which is meaningless.  If you show your e-mail address and this information is omitted I will write you requesting the same. I will not put your information on the site without at least this minimum information, as I do not see any value of just showing your name on a page. 

you need to show your e-mail address in the body of the form for me to acknowledge receipt of your survey
Do not waist your time sending trash information as that is where it will wind up in the trash.  This site is not for showing your ignorance.

Survey form history This form is used to compile information about yourself, to be included as your individual page with other class mates submitting forms, Where are they now, Quick E-Mail address, List of those submitting surveys, and list of those that recently sent in surveys, on alumni on the website
Survey form history (HM) This form used by Non-Alumni (classmates that did not graduate from BHS for various reasons such as family moved, went in the service or other personal reasons.} to compile information about yourself, to be included as your individual page with other class mates submitting forms, list of those submitting surveys, and list of those that recently sent in surveys.
Change of Address etc Use to make changes to any previously submitted information on your history survey
Wedding announcement To publish your wedding plans
Wedding anniversary To publish you wedding anniversary
Birth announcements To publish your birth announcements
Deceased alumni information To report a deceased alumni
Reunion Class committees use this form to publish infomation about your upcoming reunion
Lived while attending High school To be included on list of others who lived in the same area while attending High School
Worked on the railroad List of alumni Railroaders that worked on the railroad
Military History
All military history record form
Use to furnish information about your military service, experience and awards for all wars
Military history form for all veterans
Military Message form Use to send message to have posted to Alumni site.
Now in service Use to have person listed on website as now serving in armed forces
List of Vetereans Use this form to submit names of veterans of all wars and conflicts to be added to the list of veterans of all wars and conflicts
List of deceased WW2 vets Use this form to submit names of veterans of WW 2 that you know are deceased and not listed on List of Living WW2 Vets..  If you know where individual is buried please submit this form List where deceased vets buried.
List where deceased vets buried Use this for to submit names of veterans  showing military information and burial record

If you encounter any problems with any of these forms please let me know by emailing me at